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Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Links - 23rd April 2024 (3 - Degrowth)

OPINION: Economic growth is good for your health - "there is a strong positive correlation between the wealth of nations and the life expectancy of their populations... In addition to the statistical observation that citizens of richer countries generally live longer, the data also supports the fact that the more a given economy grows, the more likely its citizens’ life expectancy will rise. A good way of illustrating this is to observe the trajectories of the two Koreas following their separation in 1945. In 1950, the first post-partition year for which life expectancy data exist, North Koreans could expect to live to be 49.22 years old, while South Koreans could expect to live 46.62 years. At the time, North Korea, having a more industrial economy, was richer than South Korea, which remained a largely agricultural economy. Although the North Korean regime is renowned for its lack of transparency, it is estimated that before the 1960s, its GDP per capita was anywhere from 30% to 50% higher than South Korea’s. Today, South Koreans can expect to live to be 82.77 years old, whereas the life expectancy of North Koreans is 71.96 years... One study of the matter found that between 1986 and 2000, 40% of the life expectancy gains in the 52 countries examined were directly related to the development and marketing of new drugs. Other studies looking specifically at the wealthiest countries find that the development of new drugs is responsible for a non-negligible portion of the reduction in mortality risks after the age of 65. The resources needed to discover and develop new drugs, to test them and bring them to market, are very substantial. It is no surprise, then, that the most prosperous societies in the world are the ones that really have the means to do so, and therefore are the ones that spend the most money on pharmaceutical research and development."
Of course, the de-growth crowd will just blame capitalism

How stalling growth hurts the planet - "Degrowthism may seem like the only reasonable response to the climate challenges we face, but the experience of enforced economic shrinking during the pandemic indicates the pain would outweigh the benefits — especially for the world's poorest... The very real human pain of 2020 — and the political fallout it created — should be taken as a warning sign to degrowthers.
A new Pew Research Center analysis found the ranks of the global middle income — those who live on $10.01 to $20 a day — fell by 54 million in 2020 compared to the number projected before the pandemic, while the number of global poor rose by 131 million.     And while carbon emissions did fall significantly in 2020, it came at a high cost. One analysis estimated that each ton of CO2 reduced due to pandemic-related degrowth will have an implied cost to the economy of more than $1,500.     That's "an order of magnitude greater than the most costly of 'technofixes'" like direct capture of carbon from the air, as Ted Nordhaus of the Breakthrough Institute wrote last year...
The strongest argument around degrowth is one rooted in a goal that its own advocates strive for: global equity... we tend to focus on the huge and growing wealth gap between the ultrarich and the middle class and poor in rich countries like the U.S. But a much bigger gap exists between even the relatively less well-off in the developed world and most of humanity...  For all the environmental pressure growth has created, in recent decades, both rich and poor countries have been able to continue to grow while reducing many pollutants through more efficiency and cleaner energy."
Of course, the left wing "solution" is to destroy capitalism. Then everyone will be equally miserable

Economic growth is an unnecessary evil, Jacinda Ardern is right to deprioritise it (2019)
New Zealand slips into its second recession in 18 months (2024) - "New Zealand has entered its second recession in 18 months after the latest round of GDP figures confirmed its economy contracted in the last quarter of 2023."

Why Degrowth Is the Worst Idea on the Planet | WIRED - "For half a century, we've been told that we had to embrace degrowth in order to save our planet. We haven't listened. Around the world, human populations and economies have continued to grow at rates that are virtually unprecedented in the history of our species.  Over that same span, an unexpected and encouraging pattern has emerged: The world's richest countries have learned how to reduce their footprint on Earth. They're polluting less, using less land and water, consuming smaller amounts of important natural resources, and doing better in many other ways. Some of these trends are also now visible in less affluent countries. However, many in the degrowth movement seem to have trouble taking yes for an answer. The claims I just made are widely resisted or ignored. Some say they’ve been debunked... Some voices in the conversation about the environment seem wedded to the idea that degrowth is necessary, and they are unwilling or unable to walk away from it, no matter the evidence... The evidence is overwhelming that rich countries cleaned up their air pollution much more than they outsourced it. For one, a great deal of air pollution comes from highway vehicles and power plants, and rich countries haven’t outsourced driving and generating electricity to low-income ones. In fact, high-income countries haven't even offshored most of their industry. The US and UK both manufacture more than they did 50 years ago (at least until the Covid-19 pandemic sharply reduced output), and Germany has been a net exporter since 2000 while continuing to drive down air pollution. The rest of the world has been exporting its manufacturing pollution to Germany (to use degrowthers’ phrasing), yet Germans are breathing cleaner air than they were 20 years ago. Rich countries have reduced their air pollution not by embracing degrowth or offshoring, but instead by enacting and enforcing smart regulation. As economists Joseph Shapiro and Reed Walker concluded in a 2018 study about the US, “changes in environmental regulation, rather than changes in productivity and trade, account for most of the emissions reductions.” Research about the cleanup of US waters also concludes that well-designed and enforced regulations have successfully reduced pollution. It is true that the US and other rich countries now import lots of products from China and other nations with higher pollution levels. But if there were no international trade at all, and rich countries had to rely exclusively on their domestic industries to make everything they consume, they’d still have much cleaner air and water than they did 50 years ago. As a 2004 Advances in Economic Analysis and Policy study summarized: “We find no evidence that domestic production of pollution-intensive goods in the US is being replaced by imports from overseas.” The rich world’s success at decoupling growth from pollution is an inconvenient fact for degrowthers. Even more inconvenient is China's recent success at doing the same... China's progress with air pollution is heartening, but it's not surprising to most economists. It's a clear example of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) in action... It's not surprising that today's degrowth advocates rarely discuss the large reductions in air and water pollution that have accompanied higher prosperity in so many places around the world. Instead, degrowthers now focus heavily on one kind of pollution: greenhouse gas emissions. The claims made are familiar ones: that any apparent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in rich countries are due to offshoring rather than actual decarbonization. Thanks to the Global Carbon Project, we can see if this is the case. GCP has calculated “consumption-based emissions” for many countries going back to 1990, taking into account imports and exports, yielding the greenhouse gas emissions embodied in all the goods and services consumed in each country each year. For several of the world's richest countries, including Germany, Italy, France, the UK, and the US, graphs of consumption-based carbon emissions follow the familiar EKC. The US, for example, has reduced its total (not per capita) consumption-based CO2 emissions by more than 13 percent since 2007. These reductions are not mainly due to enhanced regulation. Instead, they've come about because of a combination of tech progress and market forces. Solar and wind power have become much cheaper in recent years and have displaced coal for electricity generation. Natural gas, which when burned emits fewer greenhouse gases per unit of energy than does coal (even after taking methane leakage into account), has also become much cheaper and more abundant in the US as a result of the fracking revolution.  To ensure that these greenhouse gas declines continue to spread and accelerate, we should apply the lessons we've learned from previous pollution reduction success... Tech progress and price pressure aren't just leading to the demise of coal. They're also causing us to exploit the planet less in many other important ways, even as growth continues. In other words, EKCs are not just about pollution any more.  A good place to start examining this broad phenomenon of getting more from less is US agriculture, where we have decades of data on both outputs—crop tonnage—and the key inputs of cropland, water, and fertilizer... Forest products provide another clear example of dematerialization in the US. Total annual domestic consumption of paper and paperboard peaked in 1999, and of timber in 2002. Both totals have since declined by more than 20 percent... For reasons that I don't understand well, and that I understand less the more evidence I look at, degrowthers want to make us turn around and start walking back down the path, away from higher prosperity. Their vision seems to be one of a centrally planned, ever-deepening recession throughout the rich world for the sake of the environment. Thanks to Covid-19, we have an inkling of how this would feel... ob losses, business closures, mortgage defaults, and other hardships and uncertainties. And it would have them without end—after all, growth can't be allowed to restart. Corporate and government revenue would decrease permanently, and therefore so would innovation and R&D.  How many of us would be willing to accept all of this in exchange for somewhat less pollution and resource use? To sharpen the question, how many of us would be willing to accept this recession if it wasn’t necessary—if it were clear that we could get environmental improvements while continuing to grow and prosper?"
When you hate capitalism more than you love the planet

After the Pandemic: Hope and… | The Breakthrough Institute - "In contrast to the techno-optimism of ecomodernists and even many more traditional environmentalists, a very vocal and online minority has long insisted that the only way to tackle climate change and other major environmental challenges is to not only slow economic growth but end it, cutting global consumption deeply in order to avoid ecological catastrophe. Degrowth has no constituency to speak of in the real world and most of its proponents, being modern, western, educated elites, continue to consume at levels completely incompatible with the levels of consumption they advocate. But the notion has an outsized footprint in academia, in scholarly publications, and in the environmental media.  2020 was, it turns out, probably the biggest experiment in degrowth ever attempted... while many of us came to better appreciate these simpler joys, few of us appear to have much desire to limit our futures in these ways. Around the world, citizens only acquiesced to the COVID shutdowns thanks to extremely generous relief packages, including cash payments, bonus unemployment insurance, and support for restaurants and other businesses whose commerce has been interrupted by the pandemic. These benefits provided the average American household with over $5000 of extra income this year. And even with unprecedented trillions spent on these relief programs, we think it is fair to say that neither mandated nor voluntary restrictions on travel and consumption have proven particularly sustainable... And all that for, in the end, not a particularly large environmental benefit, achieved at enormous cost... As BTI’s Zeke Hausfather calculated this past spring, the implied cost per ton of carbon reduced due to degrowth associated with the COVID pandemic will exceed $1500 per ton of CO2, an order of magnitude greater than the most costly of “technofixes.”   The simpler life and end of hyper-consumerism that degrowthers imagine may be desirable for them. But it does not appear so for the billions in the global middle class who appear by all accounts extremely eager to return to restaurants, airports, and hotels. And it is certainly not an option for the billions more of our global neighbors who depend on subsistence agriculture for meager wages amid insufficient infrastructure and opportunity.  If 2020 has established anything, it is that the only way to mitigate the negative environmental externalities produced by global economic growth is through it. A richer world is both more resilient to the impacts of climate change and better able to invest in the advanced technologies and modern infrastructures necessary to mitigate it."

Roo Barker | Facebook - "On some level the iPhones new Clean Energy Charging feature is a good thing, not because it will make a difference for the environment, it won't, but because for the first time it partially exposes some pro-degrowther teens to the less convenient life they advocate for"

Degrowth in the Age of Dickens - "John Stuart Mill... argued that the need for economic growth in the richest countries had run its course. “It is only in the backward countries of the world that increased production is still an important object,” he concluded. His was far from the last suggestion that more output from greater industrialization would do little to improve quality of life. But perhaps the very antiquity of the idea should stand as a warning to those of principle and liberality who have come to a similar conclusion since then. Would modern proponents of degrowth agree that the United Kingdom’s productivity could be dialed back 170 years with minimal costs to the country’s quality of life?... Dark, satanic mills loomed over fetid and diseased slums housing the miserable inspiration for Dickens’s novels of proletarian despair and Marx’s prophecy of inevitable revolution... for all of Mill’s fears regarding “every flowery waste or natural pasture ploughed up,” the amount of land used for farming has declined since the 19th century... For all its recent rise, inequality in the UK is still considerably lower than it was a century and a half ago, so that greater income has been more equitably distributed. It is worth comparing Mill’s view of sufficient output to guarantee a good life to developing-country incomes today. He suggested that, fairly distributed, the UK’s productivity in 1850 would have been sufficient for its population. That productivity generated a per capita income of $2,858 (measured in purchasing power parity in 2011 dollars). In 2016, Bangladesh had an income of $3,250. That Asian developing country performs considerably better than late 19th century Britain on measures of quality of life, including education and health — for example, it sees a life expectancy of 72 years. But still, it would be a fairly radical position today to argue that all Bangladesh needs to achieve a comfortably high standard of living is greater equality and that it should adopt a zero-growth target. A perfectly distributed income would leave each person in Bangladesh living on about $4 a day, according to the World Bank’s PovcalNet tool. That compares with a poverty line in modern Britain of about $25/day... Mill was hardly the first (and far from the last) to suggest that well-being required equality far more than greater productivity, or indeed that greater productivity overall was a positive evil. Rousseau’s writings had pointed strongly in the same direction a century before. Mill’s contemporary, Karl Marx, imagined life after the revolution, where work was carried out for joy rather than the necessity of consumption: “fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner, just as I have a mind.” And Marx predicted that revolution was imminent in European countries undergoing industrialization, suggesting that he, too, saw little need for far higher productivity to bring on a utopia for workers. Across the Atlantic, Henry David Thoreau spent two years living his dream of a simpler life in a cabin by Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts just as Mill was drafting his Principles.  John Maynard Keynes, writing 80 years after Mill on the subject of Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren, suggested that, as long as population was controlled, “there will be ever larger and larger classes and groups of people from whom problems of economic necessity have been practically removed.” Indeed, his worry was that there would be too little to do... In that fear, he was joined by a succession of economists... In the UK, E.J. Mishan spent the 1960s warning that economic growth produced nothing but discontent. (In 1960, the UK’s income per capita was about the same as Egypt’s today.) Across the Atlantic, J. K. Galbraith’s Affluent Society, published in 1958, suggested that demand for necessities was already well met for most Americans and, with redistribution, could easily be met for all. (He wrote this at a time when one third of the country still went to the toilet in an outhouse and washing machines were a rarity.)... Both those who saw doom from greater production and those who saw present consumption as increasingly frivolous perhaps lacked imagination. It is far easier to imagine the environmental crises that will emerge if we continue on our current path than the solutions that might allow for both continued prosperity and sustainability. After all, some of those solutions have not been invented, and more have not been implemented.  Similarly, prophets of the robot-led jobs apocalypse miss the fact that new technologies create whole new products and services, which in turn create new types of employment. These are hard to predict precisely because they haven’t been invented yet. We have well-paid app designers and cybersecurity experts whose job descriptions would have been meaningless to Keynes. There is an entire cable channel, DOGTV, with producers, show-runners, vets, and many others involved in creating content for dogs (and humans) to enjoy. Neither Mill nor Marx could have imagined such employment... the coronavirus crisis has amply demonstrated that collapsing the economy is woefully insufficient to meet environmental targets, including lower greenhouse gas emissions, even as it has crashed incomes and significantly increased self-reported misery. Economic growth may not reliably and sustainably increase subjective well-being, but apparently, contraction can achieve the reverse... “Why was Mill wrong then, but I am right now?”"

Mythinformed on X: "Listen to what “DeGrowth” activists say is necessary their own words - "“A 95% energy reduction in the United States” “The construction of an eco-socialist state” “A worker led revolution”"
When you want to destroy the economy, tank living standards and introduce communism

Opinion: Canada is no longer one of the richest nations on Earth. Country after country is passing us by - The Globe and Mail - "If you took a poll, I suspect you would find most Canadians still think of us as one of the richest countries on Earth: maybe fifth or sixth. And at one time we were. As late as 1981, Canada ranked sixth among OECD countries in GDP per capita, behind only Switzerland, Luxembourg, Norway, the United States and Denmark.  But we’re not any more. As of 2022 we were 15th. Over the 40-odd years in between, Canada’s per capita GDP grew more slowly than that of 22 other OECD members. Countries that used to be poorer than us – Ireland, the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Iceland, Australia, Germany, Belgium, Finland – are now richer than we are... Even this somewhat overstates our position. Canadians work more hours, on average, than people in other countries. Measured in output per hour worked – which is what we mean by labour productivity – we ranked 18th in 2022, having posted the slowest rate of productivity growth in the OECD since 1981, but for Switzerland. Given our performance in 2023, I don’t think we should be surprised to find we have since dropped out of the top 20.  Again, the contrast with the United States is striking: Up to about 2000, labour productivity in the two countries grew at roughly comparable rates. Since then, U.S. productivity has grown nearly three times as fast. It is a dismal prospect. When an economy ceases to grow, it isn’t only living standards that suffer. It’s everything they represent. A society that cannot look forward to a future of rising living standards is one that is deprived of one of the primary motive forces of human behaviour – hope. Without the universal lubricant of growth, all of the divisions within a society – between the classes, between the generations, between sexes and races and (this is Canada, after all) regions – are likely to be more inflamed... What makes this especially galling is that it is almost never talked about in our politics. Party leaders hammer away at each other over growth in the short term, though they can do very little to alter it. But long-term growth barely rates a mention.  Yet this is the sort of growth that governments can do something about. For all the fruitless debates about macroeconomic stabilization policy, and which form of stimulus, fiscal or monetary, is least ineffective at raising growth in the short term, the long-term growth trajectory of an economy really is responsive to policy... Since around 2000, while business investment in residential structures has roughly doubled as a percentage of GDP, investment in machinery and equipment has roughly halved. Could this go some way to explain why our relative productivity growth fell off so sharply after then? Have we been so busy capitalizing on rising housing prices that we neglected to invest in the sorts of things that make it possible to afford a house?"
The degrowth people should be happy. But the left is complaining that capitalism has failed because incomes aren't growing

Mythinformed on X - "Listen to what “DeGrowth” activists say is necessary their own words: “A 95% energy reduction in the United States” “The construction of an eco-socialist state” “A worker led revolution”"
Meme - "There are no low energy, rich countries *GDP per capita vs Electricity consumption per capita*"

Serfing the planet - "Many of those in Glasgow at the moment pray at the altar of ‘de-growth’. They want to limit the consumption of the working and middle classes, undermine their jobs, raise their energy bills, and inhibit their ability to buy property or travel... With climate, as with many other issues, the upper classes are inflicting their own preferences on working- and middle-class people. As nonprofits, oligarchs and bureaucrats plot out the future, small business owners and the middle class, as one entrepreneur put it, are ‘not at the table – or even in the room’... The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has noted that, across the 36 wealthier countries, the uber-wealthy have taken an ever greater share of national GDP in recent decades, while the middle class ‘looks increasingly like a boat in rocky waters’... Experts are warning that one third of small businesses could shut down for good. Hundreds of thousands have already disappeared, including nearly half of all black-owned businesses. Overall, according to a report from May this year, roughly 37 per cent of all US small business owners can’t pay their rent... Already climate-oriented policies have underpinned efforts to block affordable homes being built on the periphery and force ever more density on urban areas...   In the UK, the government’s Climate Change Committee is putting forward proposals that would make it impossible to sell single-family homes – including those built mere decades ago – that do not meet stringent energy standards... Analysts predict that soon most middle-class people will be ‘priced out’ of ownership in a ‘rentership society’, where homes, furniture and other necessities are turned into rental products offering endless cashflow to the oligarchs.  All this fits what the Davos crowd calls the ‘great reset’, a top-down effort at refashioning capitalism and daily life along green lines. The goal is not just to turn potential owners into tenants but also to reduce all consumption in general, as part of a move to a ‘net zero’ future where cars will become rarer, miles will be taxed and only expensive electric cars will remain, largely only for the rich.  The anti-middle class jihad also threatens the livelihoods of millions of working-class people, particularly those in well-paying manufacturing, construction and energy jobs. Green policies have already accelerated the de-industrialisation of countries such as the United Kingdom, and could undermine recent efforts to bring factories back from China. Those much heralded ‘green jobs’, so central to the climatista pitch, turn out to pay far less and are far less likely to be unionised. Many of them may end up in developing countries anyway."

The dangerous myth of degrowth | The Spectator - "Take a comment piece published late last year in the normally sober pages of the scientific journal Nature. Under the title ‘Degrowth Can Work’, it declared that: ‘Wealthy economies should abandon growth of gross domestic product (GDP) as a goal, scale down destructive and unnecessary forms of production to reduce energy and material use, and focus economic activity around securing human needs and wellbeing.’  The lead author was Jason Hickel, a visiting fellow at the LSE who on Newsnight in 2017 came up with the unusual theory that there are too many jobs in Britain. Humans, he said, are ‘overshooting our planet’s bio-capacity by 60 per cent’, and the only way to save ourselves is by ‘introducing a basic income and a shorter working week which would allow us to get rid of unnecessary jobs and redistribute labour’. Never mind the pain that follows every time GDP growth dips into the red. Never mind the despair created by falling real incomes. If we all worked less we would be far happier. Who gets to decide what is an ‘unnecessary job’, Hickel didn’t say. Many, I suspect, might well choose to nominate the LSE’s visiting professorship in International Inequalities as one of the jobs to go.   Another of the Nature authors is Tim Jackson, who runs a green thinktank called the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity. Jackson has written a book called Prosperity Without Growth, and accused Rishi Sunak of pursuing a ‘fetish’ of growth. It is clear, he says, that ‘we’re already living in a post-growth world. And it’s time to take that challenge seriously. To focus on protecting wellbeing. To distribute wealth fairly. To invest in the care economy. To improve education’. That tax revenues from healthy businesses might be useful in improving education and the care system does not appear to enter his thinking.  Then there is Bill McGuire, a volcanologist who’s now emeritus professor of geophysical and climate hazards at UCL. He has called for ‘the contraction of the global economy until it reaches a sustainable steady-state that fits with a level of greenhouse gas emissions compatible with keeping rising temperatures this side of the 1.5 degrees guardrail’. For McGuire, the government’s ambition for ‘green growth’ doesn’t cut it – no, to save the world we have to shrink the economy: less wealth, less stuff. Especially less stuff. In June, McGuire tweeted a photo of a container ship arriving at Felixstowe with what he said was 24,000 containers. His caption read: ‘More than anything, this image encapsulates everything that is wrong with our society.’ But how did he know what was inside all those containers? Was it all frivolous stuff like toys for Christmas crackers or might there have been, say, some PPE bound for NHS hospitals? Unless McGuire wears only locally sourced knitted underwear, my guess would be that something on that ship, or another like it, is found in his home.  It would be easy to dismiss the ramblings of Marxist academics. After all, the idea of ‘degrowth’ has been around since the 1970s without obviously harming anyone. The term, it seems, was coined by the Austrian-French economist André Gorz in 1972, the era of E.F. Schumacher’s book Small Is Beautiful. Hickel has written the similarly themed Less Is More. Yet the idea that economic growth is an evil seems to have become a lot more mainstream of late – fed, inevitably, by climate hysteria... Turning off their domestic appliances became raised to a matter of religious observance. A woman from Inverness told the Guardian how she and her partner brought dinnertime forward to 4.30 and then sat with candles and wood-burning stove. They had even turned off the electric foot-raiser on their sofa. ‘If this can help prevent the National Grid using coal-fired power then we’ll feel like it was really worth it. Part of this for me is learning how to deprive myself of something,’ she said.  There’s the point: it is one thing to advocate the end of economic growth if you have no actual fear of poverty. If you are struggling to keep yourself warm and fed, on the other hand, the idea of self-denial – still less of shrinking the economy – is going to have rather less appeal. Degrowth is a middle–class luxury, an indulgence to be conducted from the comfort of your sofa with its electronic foot-raiser. It revolves around matters of taste as much as the environment. People who express disgust with consumerism have a tendency to disapprove of other people’s while overlooking their own. Those who boast of buying less stuff are often not averse to the odd skiing holiday – as the holiday snaps of Extinction Rebellion activists have attested.   Bizarrely, the idea of degrowth trips off the tongue of some of the very same people who on another day will complain the loudest when incomes fall. Former Green party leader Caroline Lucas denounced Jeremy Hunt’s Autumn Statement as ‘ideologically driven Tory austerity’. The problem, evidently, is Tory austerity rather than the much better-flavoured Green party austerity, because Lucas doesn’t seem to be a great believer in people becoming better off. In 2021 she complained that ‘The endless pursuit of economic growth, as the lodestar of government policy, is what is driving the climate crisis’. If a shrinking economy does not amount to austerity, I don’t know what does.   If you are a nurse, ambulance driver, driving examiner or a member of the many other groups who have been striking about the failure of your wages to keep pace with inflation, your enemy is not Hunt; it is the degrowthers... the traditional left, which seeks a fairer slice of the national cake for working people, has yet to collide head-on with those who want to reduce the size of the cake altogether...   Liz Truss was ridiculed for talking about the ‘anti-growth coalition’. She certainly went over the top, making it out to include people who do favour economic growth, such as some of her former cabinet colleagues. Yet there really is an anti-growth tendency, whose ideas are filtering down into terribly well-meaning middle-class people. Anyone who thinks the Tories have been inflicting ‘austerity’ on the country for the past 13 years should be looking over their shoulder for the people who genuinely want to shrink the economy."
Of course, the left wing "solution" is redistribution. They don't consider themselves rich - but everyone richer than them is rich. Too bad if you look at a global scale, they are super rich and will have to be impoverished

‘Degrowth’ — Marxism is back for the modern age - "Foremost in Japan’s recent mainstreaming of Marx has been Kohei Saito, a thoroughly engaging philosopher who, from a book-lined study at the University of Tokyo, argues that degrowth is the only way to save society from a crisis of inequality and impending environmental doom. Growth did not make us happy. Frustration is rife. Reusable coffee flasks will not save us, he contends, sipping from one. Whether the Japanese public actually agrees with the thesis or not — and there is no reason to equate vast readership with widespread conviction — a great many are certainly curious about Saito’s framing of the issue. And that itself is intriguing in light of one of Japan’s less discussed generational divisions: the split between anyone older than about 50 and those under 35 — the latter being, arguably, the rich world’s first degrowthed cohort... Meat, SUVs and sports cars should be far more heavily taxed to offset the damage they do, he says. He also believes that, because it works so well at promoting endless unnecessary consumption, advertising should be heavily restricted — in particular the kind of giant LCD screens that loom over Tokyo, draining power Japan can ill-afford to waste. “We could eliminate advertising from society and nobody would suffer at all except the advertising industry,” he says."

Trans-mogrifying History: Sumerian Gala

"Queering" history is basically twisting it to fit the modern queer agenda. One example is the Sumerian Gala, where transgressive gender roles or behavior are taken as proof of transgenderism (I remember when we were told that gender roles weren't irrevocably linked to gender, and men and women could be free of "stereotypes" by adopting different behavior, and no one claimed they were trans):

Saturn Girl on X

"4500-year-old Sumerian records tell us of transgender priests to the goddess Inanna called “gala.” She was said to have the power to change men into women. Records also tell us that many gala had wives and children. Trans identities and queer families are as old as civilization."

The bland assertion that gala were transgendered is nonsensical. Behavior that transgresses gender norms does not make one transsexual. Here're what some real sources say on the issue:

"Whereas nearly all the surviving records that serve to document the galli were produced by outsiders to the cult, the texts relating to their counterparts in ancient Mesopotamia are nearly all internal documents- temple records and ritual scripts thatprovide only indirectevidence of the social and personal characterof the individuals mentioned in them. On their own, they do not offer a coherent ethnographicor historical account of Mesopotamian priesthoods. Instead, we must deduce this information from the natureof the functions assigned to them. Nonetheless, when this data is placed alongside the preceding outline of the galli and the hijra (table 1), I believe that several striking parallels again become apparent.

The oldest of these roles is that of the Sumerian gala priest. Originally a specialist in singing lamentations, gala appearin temple records dating back to the middle of the third millennium, typically with female mourners and wailers. In their hymns, they both praised and pleaded with the gods for their goodwill. The expressed purpose of these liturgies, as was the case with nearly all Mesopotamian temple ritual, was to calm the heart of the deity. According to an Old Babylonian text, Enki created the gala specifically to sing "heart-soothinglaments"for the goddess Inanna. Their social status seems to have been variable. While many are referred to as "inferior" gala, an office of chief gala (gala-mah) existed, whose salary equaled that of the highest officials of the city. There may have been families and guilds of professional gala and even female gala. Some engaged in trades and owned land and slaves; other records refer to the sale of a gala who was a poor man's son. Although performing primarily in the temple, sometimes in choirs, gala also sang at private funerals. They typically accompanied their hymns with harp music, although a secondary type of lament employed drums. Both types were sung in a Sumerian dialect known as eme-sal, whose only other use was to renderthe speech of female gods. Gala also seem to have had a role in supervising some of the female personnel (referredto by modern scholars with that pernicious term, "temple prostitutes").

All this suggests that the gala role involved some form of gender transgression. Whether this entailed an ongoing social role and identity or was merely a matter of ritual convention is not clear. Lamentation and wailing, for example, might have been originally female professions later taken over by men. The result was an institutionalized form of gender difference, for the men who performed as gala maintained the female forms of the profession, adapting their gender identity and sexuality accordingly. Homosexuality certainly seems implied in the Sumerian proverb that reads, "When the gala wiped off his ass [he said], 'I must not arouse that which belongs to my mistress [i.e., Inanna].'" In fact, the word "gala" was written using the signs "penis + anus" (GIS.DUR)."

--- Priests of the Goddess: Gender Transgression in Ancient Religion / Will Roscoe in History of Religions

"I will look in detail at the characteristics of the Mesopotamian gala priest, who performed laments in the so-called women's dialect of Sumerian, emesal...

The Sumerian galas were only one particularly prominent category of a variety of professionals, both male and female, who were employed in a number of kinds of ritual displays of grief in the service of temples and were called to perform at high-status funerals. Galas are typically grouped with singers and musicians in lexical lists and temple accounts...

On the one hand, the galas were in charge of lamentation, but on the other, they were grouped with other categories of people of an "irregular sexual nature," including the assinnu, the kurgarru, and temple prostitutes. Although they were mocked as catamites, and willingly assuming the passive role in sexual relations was considered to be transgressing the boundaries of accepted masculine behavior, it seems unlikely that they were always homosexual or (primarily) eunuchs in the modern sense of the word. Transsexuals and transvestites were the province of Inanna, who could change men into women and women into men, and the goddess herself exhibited traits of both sexes; furthermore, as we will see, myths about Inanna connect the transgression of gender boundaries to the ability to mourn and raise the dead...

Men were attempting to harness the powers of a well- established type of female verbal art to conciliate the gods, just as they were known to be proficient in conciliating humans, and they turned it to new purposes, as they did with tragic lament in Athens. By co-opting women's powers to meet the needs of the larger community beyond the family, galas promoted the continuity of the larger social unit, politically rather than biologically defined. Thus, gala priests' performances present a particularly apposite comparandum to the performance of fifth-century Athenian tragedy...

The lament slides between first person and third person, and the first person referent can be either the gala priest performing the lament or a character within the story. It is thus partially mimetic and partially breaks the frame of the story it tells, allowing the male performer to assume a female role, enacting the ritual gestures of grief proper to the lamenting woman. The offer by his sister to bring a garment for Dumuzi may allude to preparing him for burial and would therefore match the obligation felt by Antigone toward her dead brother in Sophocles' tragedy...

Just as the gala-tura and the kurgarru transcend their male gender by imitating the feminine mourning of the queen of the Underworld, Inanna herself is able to transcend genders, an ability that should be associated with her return from the Underworld, for two of the barriers that "cannot be crossed" are that of biologically determined gender and that between living and dead: "Inanna-Ishtar shatters the boundaries that differentiate the species: between divine and human, divine and animal, human and animal." Other scholars have noted the connection between transgendering and the ability to mediate between the mundane world and the world of the divine or the dead with respect to Siberian shamans, to whom kurgarrus and assinnus have been compared, and I contend that galas should be included among the number of feminized men who can communicate with the dead and the divine.

The connection between highly emotional, transgendered, transgressive behavior and communicating with dead, angry, or disappeared gods that is made explicit in the Mesopotamian texts supports the theory that cross-dressing and other behavior usually explained simply as carnivalesque were also considered to make the Dionysia as a whole a more effective invocation and propitiation of Dionysus. I turn briefly now to the Dionysiac evidence for gender-bending and otherwise transgressive behavior, to well- known material that we can now look at in a new light. Athenian men did not impersonate women only on the tragic and comic stage. Male celebrants also appeared on the street in drag even as they hoisted large phalloi or wore phalloi during the City Dionysia, engaging in riotous behavior. Dionysus himself dressed in an outfit that was considered feminine and sported the long curly hair of women. He is accused both of being effeminate and of seducing women in Euripides' Bacchae (225, 455-459, 487), and he tricks Pentheus into dressing like a woman, who is then dismembered by his female family members. It is difficult to avoid comparison between the violent and transgressive behavior alluded to in the Bacchae and engaged in by Cybele's galloi, with a procession described in the Sumerian "Iddin-Dagan A" hymn in which humans cross-dress and slash themselves in honor of Inanna, the goddess in charge of transsexuality. Harris has indeed compared the Dionysiac and Mesopotamian rites, focusing on the carnivalesque function of the two cults.

--- Sumerian gala priests and Eastern Mediterranean returning gods: Tragic lamentation in cross-cultural perspective / Mary Bachvarova in Lament. Studies in the Ancient Mediterranean and Beyond

This is something the breathtaking exultations of non-Western "queerness" miss - the roles they celebrate tend to be marginal. Even if we ignore the Roman galli, the Hijra face a lot of discrimination.

Links - 23rd April 2024 (2 - Women)

Meme - Lyman Stone @lymanstoneky: "Your regular reminder that the opportunity costs of motherhood in America are, when measured by the size of the motherhood income penalty, falling, not rising, and so "opportunity costs" are not reasonable explanation for falling fertility."

Meme - "Hill: There's no International Men's Day because we can't celebrate all the accomplishments of men in one day like we can with women"

Meme - Melian Refugee @escapefrommelos: "women choose one of two paths when they are blessed and burdened by huge fucking yams *Sydney Sweeney exposing cleavage, Billie Eilish concealing hers with frumpy clothing*

McKenna Kindred: Ex-Washington High School Teacher Sobs as She Avoids Jail Time after Sexually Engaging with Student While Husband Was Away - "A former married high school teacher convicted of having sex with an underage student will not face any jail time, despite the victim's mother claiming that the teacher's "predatory behavior" robbed the student of his aspirations. McKenna Kindred sobbed as she apologized to the victim and his family in the courtroom and admitted to the crimes she committed... "I know that this past year has been enormously stressful for all involved.  "As a result of my actions I've lost my career, valuable friendships, freedoms and have let down countless people who placed their trust in me.  "My mental health has also been severely affected by this event. I am deeply ashamed of the pain I have caused.""

What Makes People Attracted to Each Other? - The Atlantic ("Scientifically Proven Sources of Sex Appeal") - "Scads of studies suggest that those of us looking for Mr. or Ms. Right may actually be looking for Mr. Facial Symmetry or Ms. Ideal Waist-to-Hip Ratio (about 0.7 for women). But other research suggests that whether a trait is attractive depends on the type of connection you’re looking for. For example, women in one study found men with facial scars more appealing than other men for short-term relationships, but not for long-term ones. In another study, men with beards had an edge among women seeking long-term relationships—a finding that might give clean-shaven guys with scars an idea about how to turn a one-night stand into something lasting... Should two people seek lasting happiness, they may want to define the relationship, especially if they’re already friends. As any Harry or Sally can tell you, while women often mistake males’ indications of sexual interest for expressions of friendliness, men consistently mistake females’ expressions of friendliness for sexual interest... Those of you playing at home may have noticed that men have more predictable (and physical) definitions of what makes a woman attractive than women do for men. Elsewhere in the “Hey, eyes up here!” school of attraction science, people in one study tended to look at faces if seeking love, and bodies if motivated by sexual desire. In another study, people tended to check out a romantic prospect’s head and chest—while they focused on the legs and feet of someone in the friend zone. If two people can get it together to go out, they are likely to wear red or black, especially common choices on a first date. No wonder: Red makes everyone seem more attractive, both to themselves and to others. What they order matters, too. Researchers have found that a woman is more likely to find a man attractive if she’s eating something that’s spicy rather than sweet. A drink may also help—but only one."

He loves me, he loves me not: The thrill of uncertainty - "the women were more attracted to the men who liked them a lot—much more attracted than they were to men who were lukewarm in their feelings. This isn’t all that surprising, and it lends support to the reciprocity principle. But—and it’s a big but—the women were most attracted to the men whose feelings remained unknown. They found these mystery men even more attractive than men who openly declared their attraction. The scientists call this the “pleasure of uncertainty,” and they also uncovered a hint as to why this dynamic works. Among the questions they asked the women were how often they thought about the different men—how frequently they “popped into their head”—during the time before they made their ratings. The women spent more time musing about the uncertain men than the others, suggesting that having a man in one’s thoughts can increase attractiveness. These women—the ones contemplating a mystery man—were also in a better mood than the women who had been flattered or deflated. The women in this study had no information about the men’s choosiness in general. That is, they didn’t know if the men were uniformly “hard to get” or “easy to get.” So this may be a new version of the “playing hard to get” scenario—creating uncertainty to pique interest. And it may be a version especially suited to the 21st century, simulating the kind of information people often get when they meet on-line. At least at the very start of the e-dating process, mystery may have some benefits."

Meme - Lakita Chandler: "niggas nut faster than they reply"
Yrn Taay: "cause yall pussy better than yall conversation"

Meme - "Ladies: ask your husband if he'd still love you if you got a sex-change. If he says "no" - walk over to your room & start packing your bags"
"ladies, do something unreasonable and drastic with huge impact on both your lives and if he doesn't agree, dump him because you actually want a submissive pet that will validate all you eccentricities"

Anne Hathaway Was Told She'd Have Zero Sex Appeal in Hollywood - "Anne Hathaway revealed in her new Vanity Fair cover story that she was told she had zero sex appeal when she was a young actor just starting out in Hollywood. Not that she ever bought into the claim: “I was like, ‘I’m a Scorpio. I know what I’m like on a Saturday night,’” she said."

Meme - MED GOLD @MedGold: "The 4 Categories of Female Attractiveness
Gorgeous - There is a stunning element to her face and a uniqueness that is striking. There is a mysterious and unconventional allure that is hard to look away from. Kate Moss is Gorgeous.
Beautiful - There is a traditional look to her face combined with a lack of explicit sexuality. Facial symmetry is the most defining factor. Anne Hathaway is Beautiful.
Hot - A face that oozes sexuality. A natural temptress who can bend most men to her will. Full lips and seductive, hypnotic eyes dictate hotness. Hot is synonymous with Sexy. Emily Ratajkowski is Hot.
Pretty - there is a strong element of sweetness. Smile is the strongest factor, which can be described as friendly or even radiating. Pretty is very close to Cute. "The girl next door." Sydney Sweeney is pretty. These categories sometimes overlap."

Meme - "Whats the worst thing someone has ever done to you?"
"I cheated on my ex (it was a one time thing, whatever) and after he found out from a mutual friend his response was to sleep with not one, not two, but all 5 of the girls in my friend group over the course of a month. Needless to say I'm no longer friends with them and I now have trust issues for life."

Meme - "First date should derinitely be public though!"
"True! We both gotta ensure survival!"
"Definitely so! As a standard, I do charge $200 for a date. Charging for dates isn't about devaluing oneself but rather recognizing the worth of one's time and companionship. By setting a price, it communicates a level of respect for oneself and ensures that the time spent together is mutually valued. It also filters out those who may not be serious about the connection, fostering more meaningful and"

Meme - Royce Lopez: "Women need to stop plastic surgery until we figure out what's wrong. Why would you ruin your face like this? This is Erin Moriarty from The Boys...she was already very pretty."
On buccal fat removal

Meme - "DO YOU WANT TO STEP UP & BE A REAL MAN FOR ME & JAMAL? *woman and Orang Utan*
*strips of paper*: "No thanks" "No thanks" "No thanks" "No thanks" "No thanks" "No thanks""

Meme - "I'm turning 40...no relationship, no children, no hope :(
A lot of things in my life have gone well. I have great parents and siblings, have gotten a fantastic education and have a rewarding career. I am active, have hobbies, have traveled and maintain a good relationship with myself.  However, despite my best efforts, I am single and about to turn 40 with basically no relationship prospects in sight. While there is nothing wrong with this, it's just not what I want. I love the domestic side of life and I've always wanted a home, and someone to share it with...maybe kids. Now that I am about to turn 40, I hear the ticking of my bio clock loudly in my ear and I feel this dream fading away. And yet I feel powerless to change this, because it depends on so many outside factors.  I've spent time concentrating on "myself", thinking that it would happen naturally if I followed my passions. I've joined activities and pursued my hobbies and gone out there and met people. I've tried online dating and networking groups. I've tried bars, I've been fixed up, I've fixed myself up...all to no avail. I can meet men, just not the right ones, apparently.  I don't feel that my standards are too high. To be honest, looks are secondary, but I want someone with a professional career (like I have), a good sense of humor, some type of hobbies or passions...who is honest and reliable enough to invest myself in. That's about it.  Right now I'm attracting younger men. Nothing wrong with that, but none have been seeking a relationship on the level I want.  Why is this so hard? I'm funny, smart, objectively cute, am in shape and look younger than my age. What can I do differently? My birthday is approaching and I feel like a door is closing to a room that I've never been allowed to visit."

Meme - "My boyfriend told me to wear a pretty flowy dress and I got mad at him and said "don't tell me how to dress" so I wore cargo pants instead And then this happened
Ladies maybe we dont need to pick a fight every time #proposa..
proposal videos"

The woman on X - "Women will cheat in a relationship and then post "She was a bird, he wanted to cage her 🕊️""

Meme - "I have a question for you."
"Yes I'd cry if you died
Yes I'd still love you if you was a worm
Yes I still love you
No I don't want to break up"
"Thank you"

Meme - "Aita for wearing the “joke” bikini my friend got me?
So it was my birthday couple months ago. Had a party. Got some gifts. My friend “Mandy” for me a “super cute bikini”. I liked it. Said thanks. She had ripped the tags off but whatever.  Anyway. Went to the community pool with my roommate. Wore bikini. Got in the water. Roommate immediately is like uhm girl.... I look and see that this bikini is now kinda see thru.  Haha good joke Mandy.  Anyway, Mandy invited me over to her place to hang out with her and her bf and a few others. Most leave and we’re still hanging out. I’m like hey, what if we get in your hot tub? I go change after them. And meet her bf in the hot tub she’s getting new drinks. I hop in. Immediately, he’s looking at my chest. I pretend I don’t notice and just make small talk. She comes out a few min after. And just looks in shock. Eventually gets in. “Uhh is that the one I bought?” Yeah I love it. I wear it everywhere. Make up some stuff about how I wore it to the beach, some party with lots of guys, etc. and she’s just like “oh”.  We’re in the tub for 20-30. Eventually get out and change. She approached me after and was like. “Uhm I’m sorry thought you’d notice. But it goes kinda see thru”. I’m like yeah I know why’d you buy me a ducking see thru bathing suit? “She’s like it’s a joke. Wait you knew? So you just spent last 30’ flashing my bf on purpose?” I reply I’m just wearing my birthday gift from her.  Anyway. Aita?"

Meme - "Blame online dating and shit like Tinder.
>women use snapchat filters to make themselves look pretty and not fat
>men start chatting with these women because they think they're hot
>they meet up. The man looks no different to his pictures. The women is a fat ugly mess.
>the guy, having spent hours putting in the ground work, and now having spent time meeting this ugly woman, thinks he'll fuck her anyway because he has nothing to lose at this point
>the woman is happy to get fucked because he's out of her league
>the guy fucks her and then goes home because he doesn't wanna stick around with an ugly woman
>the woman thinks all men are pigs because they just want her for sex
>she won't talk to less attractive men because in her mind she just had sex with a good-looking guy, therefore she should be able to get a good-Iooking boyfriend
>she talks to other good-iooking men
>the guy talks to other women who appear good- Iooking, but are actually ugly"

Meme - "George Lucas is worth 5 billion dollars and eating at the food court in the mall. Don't let her tell you Chillis isn't a date"

Meme - Someone's Unmarried Son @BigOukebowski: "I remember I took a babe to see Age of Ultron. Midway through the movie she leaned over and was like "do you want popcorn? I'll go get it if you pay" I said yeah and handed her a $20...Not only did she not come back, she got on Snapchat later and was at Cheesecake Factory"

Meme - christinaaamaral: "Ignoring people staring at you in the gym while filming content is a WORKOUT in itself!"
joeyswoll: "Please don't perpetuate this culture in gyms. You're literally filming yourself for the entire internet to see yet it bothers you that people look in real life? I'm sorry but when you set up a tripod and make a film production out of your workout people are going to look, period. I also just watched your last 3 gym videos and in all 3 you start by pulling your shorts up your a** which has nothing to do with working out."

Korean Girls Describe The Ideal Korean Girl | ASIAN BOSS - YouTube
I like the answers to why Korean girls don't show cleavage

Belvue School head teacher sexually harassed male worker, tribunal hears - "A female head teacher sexually harassed a male teaching assistant by saying he looked “fit” in Speedos, a tribunal heard.  Inappropriate comments made by senior women to younger men have “no place in the modern workplace”, an employment judge ruled after hearing the case of school worker Nikoloz Papashvili.  Mr Papashvili became the subject of staff room “banter” when colleagues laughed at sexual innuendos made by head teacher Shelagh O’Shea, an employment tribunal heard. Mrs O’Shea signed off emails to the teaching assistant with a kiss and said she wanted him to “meet the parents”."

Meme - "Central Arkansas husband link
Public group: 2 members
Becky Fraught invited you...
About: This group is for women who prefer married men. We are a support group and also will share leads on married men to each other and help each other out. Women only and your relationship status is irrelevant, married and taken women are welcome. We do not judge and we do not snitch. If you share anything in this group to men or wives of men you will be banned. Let's have some fun ladies"

Changing fortunes drive young women’s votes left and men’s right - "Young people are increasingly diverging politically, with women becoming more liberal and men more likely to be conservative, researchers have revealed. Two decades ago there was little difference between men and women aged 18 to 29 when asked to place themselves on a scale of one to ten signifying “very liberal” to “very conservative”. But an analysis of 20 wealthy countries carried out by The Economist discovered that by 2020 the gap had grown to 0.75 on the scale. The gap between men and women in Britain was 0.71. The study found that young men in 2020 were only slightly more likely to describe themselves as liberal than as conservative, with a gap of only two percentage points. However, young women were much more likely to lean to the left than the right, with a gap of 27 percentage points. In all the large countries examined by the magazine, young men were more conservative than young women. The gap between the sexes was roughly twice the size of the gap in opinion between people with and without a degree in the same year.  Alice Evans, a senior lecturer in the social science of development at King’s College London, said the change was driven by several social factors. They included a more feminised public culture, economic resentment, social media bubbles and the impact of cultural entrepreneurs. Evans, who is writing a book called The Great Gender Divergence, told The Times: “Rising university enrolment has motivated increased competition. It means that not all men can get to the top — and men care about getting to the top. “We also know that, simultaneously, many young women are choosing to stay single, so it’s also harder for young guys to attract girlfriends. Both of these things, which men really care about, have become so much harder and that is triggering resentment.” That resentment, Evans argued, is causing some young men to harden their attitudes against certain groups, such as women and foreigners.  This can mean they are more likely to turn their support to right-wing parties, have the opinion that women’s rights have gone too far or be attuned to extreme social media personalities such as Andrew Tate. Meanwhile, women continue on in today’s “culturally liberalising” society, where it is more acceptable than ever not to marry or start a family. Researchers at The Economist used the European Social Survey, America’s General Social Survey and the Korean Social Survey to examine 20 rich nations, including the UK. The study found that young men were more anti-feminist than older men, contradicting the popular notion that each generation is more liberal than the previous one.  Figures from the Financial Times in January showed a 25-point gap in the UK between increasingly conservative young men and progressive female contemporaries. Germany showed a 30-point gap, while in Poland last year almost half of men aged 18 to 21 backed the hard-right Confederation party, compared to a sixth of young women. In the United States, women aged 18 to 30 are now 30 percentage points more liberal than their male contemporaries, a gap that took only six years to open up. Evans said that due to Brexit and the unpopularity of the present Conservative government, young men in Britain were less likely to be driven to the extreme right politically. But, she added: “Certainly in other European countries, young men are more likely to turn to the far right.”"
Naturally, the masculine is pathologised, and only the "far right" is an issue, not the far left
Ironically, this admits that not delegitimising the right and banishing it from the public sphere reduces the appeal of the "far right"

Attractive Women Want it All: Good Genes, Economic Investment, Parenting Proclivities, and Emotional Commitment - "The current research tests the hypothesis that women have an evolved mate value calibration adaptation that functions to raise or lower their standards in a long-term mate according to their own mate value. A woman's physical attractiveness is a cardinal component of women's mate value. We correlated observer-assessed physical attractiveness (face, body, and overall) with expressed preferences for four clusters of mate characteristics (N = 214): (1) hypothesized good-gene indicators (e.g., masculinity, sexiness); (2) hypothesized good investment indicators (e.g., potential income); (3) good parenting indicators (e.g., desire for home and children), and (4) good partner indicators (e.g., being a loving partner). Results supported the hypothesis that high mate value women, as indexed by observer-judged physical attractiveness, expressed elevated standards for all four clusters of mate characteristics. Discussion focuses on potential design features of the hypothesized mate-value calibration adaptation, and suggests an important modification of the trade-off model of women's mating. A minority of women—notably those low in mate value who are able to escape male mate guarding and the manifold costs of an exposed infidelity—will pursue a mixed mating strategy, obtaining investment from one man and good genes from an extra-pair copulation partner (as the trade-off model predicts). Since the vast majority of women secure genes and direct benefits from the same man, however, most women will attempt to secure the best combination of all desired qualities from the same man."
Beautiful women have higher standards

we can’t even rest without it being a problem? 😭😭 #ick #icks #redfla... | TikTok - "we can’t even rest without it being a problem? 😭😭 #ick #icks #redflags #redflag #icklist #list #fyp #viral"
Aka "The Ick List: When His Nap Irrationally Annoys Me"

When a woman says “I shouldn’t have to ask him!” #shorts @warriorswaymindset - YouTube
Men need to be psychic and do things exactly when women want - no earlier and no later

LindyMan on X - "One thing you notice in old photos are how unattractive the women were. Even with high status men. There wasn't a "dating market" like how we engage in. It was a circle of people and one knew someone and that was it. It's a woman. She wasn't fat. She knew your family. That was it.   today it's much different."

Meme - "Folsom; California
Tiffany, 33
I'm back on this app after a year ban, don't ask why. I had given up on dating and decided to add more children to my family as a single mom. I've already selected my sperm donor from a licensed sperm bank, and I'm about to go through IVF. I can't get pregnant naturally, so don't ask. I need help with paying for the embryo transfer back into my womb so I decided to start dating again. Only message me if you're trying to have a kid and you're ok with the sperm not being from you."

Richard Hanania on X - "Oklahoma woman convicted of having her husband killed based on overwhelming evidence. She appeals to the Supreme Court, says she should get a new trial because prosecutors slut shamed her over the thong she packed to go to Mexico with her boyfriend after her husband’s death."
Did Prosecutors’ Sex Shaming Help Send Brenda Andrew to Death Row? - The New York Times

Amy on X - "I was not in my "pRimE" in my 20s lmao I was New Age, atomized, struggled to regulate my emotions, had no financial knowledge and couldnt see reality. Along what dimensions are these guys even talking about here? Physical fitness for breeding? Perverts and freaks, freaks I say"
Wilfred Reilly on X - "I am once again noting that wanting to date attractive adults who are at the peak age for humans to have children is not "perversion." Exact opposite, really.   I like both older and younger women, should anyone at all care...but the online world's constant labeling of the most statistically normal behavior as "evil" is a real problem."

I'm too hot to get a date — intimidated men worry that I'll turn them down - "“Fans are shocked at how kind and humble I am when they meet me in real life,” the modest model claimed."
Sure. I'm sure that's why men aren't queuing up for a BBW

Doc  on X - "Tinder is for rookies. Go to Facebook Marketplace and search for wedding dresses. Itll show you recently divorced females in your area. From there you can filter by size."

Billie Eilish Has No Problem With Lil Yachty Rapping About Her Breasts (13 Nov 2023)
Billie Eilish on being sexualised: "Fuck you" (Nov 14 2023)

Meme - "When he promised you a good time but he's rubbing your clit like he's trying to get a stain out of the carpet"

Meme - "When he's not getting the signals so you gotta make it obvious
my HOLE is a lot of FUN!
Featuring the new doughnut holes
Krispy Kreme"

Thinking Critically About Social Justice

From 2018:

Thinking Critically About Social Justice

"The U.S. National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) released a memo written by an attorney, Jayme Sophir, which determined that Google did not violate United States federal law when it fired James Damore. Sophir reasoned that references to psychometric literature on sex differences in personality were “discriminatory and constitute sexual harassment,” and on these grounds, Damore’s firing was justified. Following the release of the NLRB memo, a number of scientists on Twitter expressed alarm at the justifications provided within the memo, which appeared to relegate the discussion of sex differences outside the realm of constitutionally protected speech...

Damore, together with another former Google engineer, filed a class action lawsuit against the company alleging an institutionalised culture of harassment towards people with conservative or libertarian political views. Their complaint is eye-opening. Damore and Gudeman lay out in detail the many ways in which this harassment occurs: a pervasive environment of disparaging jokes and demeaning language amongst colleagues; a climate of bullying, mocking, and personal attacks from superiors and others in power; an open endorsement by superiors of bullying (referred to internally as social pecking); an unwillingness by superiors and administrators to act upon threats of violence; the use of incentive programmes to promote and celebrate harassment; a set of training programmes that foment hostility through emotionalised and unnuanced company-endorsed lectures; and a number of other mechanisms that disincentivise or punish political expression, which in Damore and Gudeman’s case eventually led to their dismissals.

Google is far from the only Silicon Valley company where this occurs. A recent survey suggests the vast majority of conservative and libertarian employees at Silicon Valley companies are hesitant of being themselves at work, and that all but the very liberal feel less comfortable expressing their political views in the aftermath of Damore’s very public dismissal. Some of the responses were remarkable. One libertarian respondent claimed there’s a “concerted purge of conservative employees at Apple.” A conservative respondent experienced colleagues openly mocking conservatives and had to sit through “cruel mockery of my home state while others nodded and laughed along.” A Google employee claimed to have lost multiple talented colleagues who resigned rather than continue in “an increasingly extreme, narrow-minded, and regressive environment.”

Silicon Valley has historically had a reputation for being quite libertarian, but it appears to be becoming increasingly intolerant towards conservatives and even libertarians..

A similar trend seems to be taking place in other parts of society as well...

What has caused this rapid cultural shift? Haidt suggests it’s a combination of ideas that have been developing in left-leaning academic fields for a long time with recent societal shifts that have made these ideas more attractive or powerful to university students, including a more hands-on parenting style and the invention of social media. The ideas, as Haidt notes are: “organised around victims of oppression, it’s a vertical metaphor of privileged and oppressor people, and victims. This idea that everything is power.”

The methodology underpinning much of the social justice perspective is known as critical theory, which draws heavily on German philosopher Karl Marx’s notion of ideology...

Theory, they suggested, always serves the interests of certain people; traditional theory, because it is uncritical towards power, automatically serves the powerful, while critical theory, because it unmasks these interests, serves the powerless. All theory is political, they said, and by choosing critical theory over traditional theory one chooses to challenge the status quo, in accordance with Marx’s famous statement: “Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.”Gradually, critical theorists broadened their attention to other forms of oppression—gender, race, and sexual orientation especially—but the methodology remained the same: to identify the hidden and complex ways in which power and oppression permeate society, and then dismantle them...

There’s something missing from the social justice narrative though, demonstrated by the situation in Silicon Valley and those other fields I mentioned: it doesn’t take into account the power and oppression it exerts itself...

Social justice advocates have created a portrayal of themselves as being outside the flow of power; everyone else is exerting power or being oppressed by it, while they are simply observing it, and any power they do exert is selfless and unoppressive...

Take for instance morality. Marx proposed that a society’s morality serves the interests of its ruling class, while purporting to be universal...

An analogous claim can be made of a social justice society, it seems to me. This is most obvious in parts of society where social justice ideology is strongest. In those parts of society, values like equality, liberation, and cosmopolitanism aren’t just treated as values—organisations of society that different people prefer to different degrees—they’re considered moral. Consequently, conflicting values are considered immoral: people who value a more competitive society, or a smaller government, or a stronger national identity, or a tougher culture, or more traditional family structures, or less immigration aren’t just regarded as having different values; they’re regarded as bad people.

This is especially clear in the context of immigration...

People in these areas are afraid to come home at night and are wondering how things could have changed so quickly, yet no one is allowed to talk about it. And when someone does say something, they are met with a wave of sophisticated terminology backed by academic credentials that they have no way of parsing. All they know is something is wrong, but they’re unable to parse the academic discourse, and so they’re effectively shut down. And as conservatives and libertarians become increasingly scarce in academia, academia becomes more and more a tool of power to oppress their values...

Including values in our power analysis makes it clear there can be no such thing as simply removing power, because it takes power to remove power. Consequently, power doesn’t disappear, it redirects...

This isn’t just theoretical speculation. Some of the most explicitly social justice-oriented societies ever to exist were the communist regimes of the 20th century, and they were characterised by tremendous oppression of their citizens. Why—when the explicit aim of these regimes was to liberate their citizens from oppression—did the opposite occur? The answer, surely, is that they made the same mistake contemporary social justice advocates make: not including themselves in the power analysis. (Which is especially questionable when you’re the dictator.)

This means they could send millions of political opponents and dissenters to prison camps, have a population living in terror of a secret police ready to pounce on any word deemed subversive, erect walls manned by armed guards to prevent people from leaving, yet consider themselves liberators for having reduced class differences...

The irony of doing a proper power analysis—not the selective power analysis of social justice ideology, but a complete one—is that you end up with something not that far from the Hobbesian view of human nature that formed the foundation of classical liberal thought, and which social justice advocates dislike...

A common theme is that they are critical, while other people accept things as they are. Some writers have even suggested that social justice advocates are the true inheritors of the Socratic approach to philosophy and/or of Enlightenment thinking.

This confuses two types of criticality. It’s certainly true that social justice advocates are highly critical, but this is not what distinguished the Socratic approach or Enlightenment thought from previous traditions. In fact, the most critical people are usually religious people, especially fundamentalist religious people. Why? Because they have an explicit norm, such as The Bible, to which they can compare everything and criticise whatever doesn’t match up. It’s not criticality that distinguishes Socratic and Enlightenment methodology from religious tradition, it’s meta-criticality: the process of continually digging up one’s assumptions and methods and questioning them, potentially indefinitely. In religion, especially fundamentalist religion, certain beliefs are beyond question; they are sacred and must if necessary be taken on faith. This is what Socratic and Enlightenment thought diverged from, regarding nothing as sacred and treating all beliefs and methods as provisional.

There are advantages and disadvantages to this approach, of course. Explicitly declaring one’s own beliefs provisional reduces the force of their criticism of society or other people’s beliefs, which is part of why religions can be so powerful; they offer certainty and their adherents can criticise everything around them with confidence. Social justice ideology is far more like this than like the Socratic or Enlightenment methodology. Its advocates are highly critical of society and other people’s beliefs, but they mostly reject meta-criticality, often going so far as to shut down anyone who criticises their beliefs...

As the failures of the many 20th century communist regimes showed all too clearly, there are few things more dangerous than trying to dismantle power structures while simultaneously having major gaps in the framework through which power is identified. It’s a recipe for disaster."

Links - 23rd April 2024 (1 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

Peter Savodnik on X - "Hamas is now saying Israel has killed 22,000, not 33,000 Gazans -- meaning the combatant to noncombatant ratio in this war is greater than 1:1, which would be a phenomenal, life-saving achievement. Unsurprisingly, legacy media is crickets."
Noam Blum on X - "The one source everyone is using for the Gaza death toll just casually said "oops, we overcounted by 33%." You fools. You utter imbeciles."
The Persian Jewess on X - "Gaza Health Ministry (Hamas) admits Gaza fatalities (civilian and militant) actually number 22,091.   With Israel’s estimate of 13,000 militant deaths, this means only 9,000 Gaza civilians have died.   A civilian casualty ratio of LESS THAN 1:1.   **The average casualty ratio in modern warfare is 9:1  #StandWithIsrael"
The terrorism supporters won't update their numbers, since they rely on lies

FDD on X - ".@adesnik : "The sudden shifts in the ministry’s reporting methods suggest it is scrambling to prevent exposure of its shoddy work. For months, U.S. media have taken for granted that the ministry’s top-line figure for casualties was reliable enough to include in daily updates on the war. Even President Biden has cited its numbers. Now we’re seeing that a third or more of the ministry’s data may be incomplete at best — and fictional at worst.""

Meme - Sole Danni is with Elba Bonia.: "We will NEVER stop sharing. FREE PALESTINE"
Lincoln Kirby-bell: "He's responsible for the genocide of the Uighur people and many other cultural minorities within China , not to mention the violent suppression of any dissent from his own people"
Jose Felix: "Posting pro palestinian comments of a guy that has muslim concentration camps makes this post look so smart."
It's hard for terrorism supporters to be more explicit that this is about anti-Semitism and Jew hatred

Laura Powell on X - "A group of Berkeley law students accepted an invitation to dine at the private home of dean Erwin Chemerinsky and his wife, a law professor, then disrupted the event and refused to leave. Bizarrely, this student claims her conduct is protected by the 1st Amendment. Activists are attacking the dean and professor as "white supremacist" and "Zionist.""
i/o on X - "Erwin Chemerinsky, by the way, is the guy who was caught on hidden camera last year bragging that he and Berkeley Law would continue to find ways to evade affirmative action bans. He described how these evasions work in practice. These people all deserve each other."
The Persian Jewess on X - "Imagine being so blinded by antisemitism that you enter the home of the world’s EXPERT on constitutional law, and falsely claim it is your “first amendment right” to spread vicious hate speech.   If she had bothered to attend Erwin Chemerinsky’s lectures, read his textbooks, use his study guides, or review his SUPREME COURT CASES, she would know that the first amendment does NOT apply to a private residence.   Which Chemerinsky politely tells her. Over and over again.  #AntizionismIsAntisemitism"

Thread by @ProfDBernstein on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Let's review the Chemerinsky incident: Student shows up to celebratory graduation dinner at the dean's house with a speaker system, begins political tirade. Dean and wife plead with her to stop, then ask her to leave multiple times, as they have every right to do. She refuses. She is now a trespasser. Wife, instead of calling police, tries to stop disruption by the much more peaceable means of taking trespasser's microphone away. Pro-Hamas progressives: Dean's wife is a violent racist. The pro-Hamas progressive subtext, of course, is that the dean is a "Zionist," ie Jew who doesn't think that Israel should be destroyed and therefore he and his family deserve to be given no quarter, and also have none of the normal rights people have, like stopping trespassers from disrupting events, when confronted about their "Zionism" by a Muslim student."

CAIR National on X - "Our San Francisco Bay Area office @CAIRSFBA today condemned the alleged assault on Malak Afaneh, a Palestinian Muslim University of California Berkeley (@UCBerkeley) law student, by @BerkeleyLaw professor Catherine Fisk. @ZahraBilloo"
Dr. Abdullah Ali on X - "I wish I could support this statement. I’m sorry, but I don’t think you get to play the victim after being invited to someone’s home, asked to leave, stage a protest, and refuse to leave because someone told you you had a 1st amendment right. This doesn’t help Palestinians. It just makes you look unreasonable and disingenuous. Calling it “speaking truth to power” all you want. It’s 100% fruitless."
LAWYERGONEROGUE on X - "The student who harassed chermerinsky is a PFLP terrorist. It is actually a group designated as such on the US foreign terrorist list."
Ofra Haza Stan Account on X - "Aggressively instigating a conflict then crying victim, like your Hamas heroes. Pathetic 🤡"
🇵🇸 🔻 CeasefireNOW 🔻🇵🇸 on X - "i don't understand why was she there harassing elderly Jewish people? is this what muslims do for Ramadan? harass elderly Jewish people at their home?"

Steve McGuire on X - "She showed up at a dinner party to protest with a microphone and now she’s playing the victim and claiming Professor Fisk is a racist:"
Hussain Abdul-Hussain on X - "Never knew one could fit as much nonsense into one clip. She's a law student who does not know that she cannot practice her First Amendment inside a private residence. This should tell you all you need to know about how disturbed Global Intifada mobsters are, how they think that loud noise and racist instigation of white v black and brown are carte blanche for doing whatever they please. If Palestine is going to be in the image of this lady and her tired fallacies, which seems to be certainly the case, then the world is better off without Palestine."

Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib on X - "Aside from the embarrassing entitlement/self-righteousness of this Berkeley law student & how ineffective/unhelpful many pro-Palestine activists & students are, the way in which the Arab & Muslim communities are becoming single-issue activists & voters risks permanent alienation & marginalization from broader political & societal discourses, minimizing the possibilities of future coalition building to work on critical issues impacting our country and communities. This impulsively-driven behavior is not only ineffective in highlighting the plight of the Palestinian people in Gaza, but it creates long-term fissures that may never heal."

Marc Zell on X - "Results of the IDF investigation into the killing of the 7 humanitarian workers from the Word Central Kitchen (WCK). Things are not what they seemed to be. ⚠️BREAKING⚠️ IDF has revealed that Hamas PURPOSELY drew fire to the WCK truck.
At around 10 pm, the IDF noticed suspicious activity as the WCK vehicle was joined by a convoy of several other Hamas vehicles. 🔥 Hamas terrorists then climbed ONTO and INTO the WCK truck and FIRED several times indiscriminately into the air to ensure the IDF would see them.   🔥The convoy then split up and entered a hanger, where it became difficult to distinguish between the Hamas vehicles and the WCK vehicle.  🔥IDF attempted to call both the WCK workers and WCK HQ on TWO separate occasions to confirm whether they were with the Hamas convoy but their calls remained unanswered.  🔥When the vehicles left the hangar OVER AN HOUR LATER the IDF drone unit misidentified the WCK vehicle for a vehicle from the Hamas convoy and mistakenly struck.
The IDF has provided their full findings to both WCK and Jose Andres, and are now requiring new stickers for aid vehicles which can be seen via drones even in the dark."

Meme - Sebastian Marinaio: "Hi @chefjoseandres care to explain this picture? You've spent the week accusing Israel targeting @WCKitchen volunteers & now we know Hamas was riding with the vehicles. You also accused Israel of genocide which is an absolute lie. Now YOU can be seen hanging with Hamas. WTF???"

Jake Wallis Simons on X - "David Cameron writes in the Sunday Times that although Israel has called the killings of the aid workers a “grave mistake” and sacked those responsible, there is “no doubt where the blame lies” and “this must never happen again.” Strong words. But when Cameron was prime minister and took us to war in Libya, 13 were mistakenly killed in a NATO airstrike, including an ambulance driver, three nurses and some friendly troops. He didn’t have any strong words then."
QuantumAI on X - "In stark contrast to NATO, which escapes the relentless, granular examination of its military conduct, Israel is held to an impossible standard, expected to execute a war perfectly…  Even when Israel apologises for its mistakes during the conflict - a rarity compared to other countries- it receives no latitude; its every misstep is met with unforgiving scrutiny, leaving no room for the fog of war or human error."

John Hasson on X - "Shot: Biden attacks Israel for accidentally killing 7 civilians in a drone strike
Chaser: Biden’s final act in Afghanistan was an airstrike killing 10 civilians, including 7 children"
Stephen L. Miller on X - "And he has not faced a single journalist who has asked him a single question about this, in an Interview or a press conference."

Dr. Mika Tosca, Chicago professor, apologizes for calling Israelis 'pigs' and 'very bad people' - "Dr. Mika Tosca, a climate scientist and associate professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC), issued an apology on her Instagram Wednesday for her incendiary post amid the Israel-Hamas war... Tosca came under fire when she called Israel’s retaliatory offensive against Hamas — the terrorist group that killed about 1,400 people and is believed to be holding around 200 hostages — ”downright evil” and “propaganda.”...   Joseph Massad, a politics and history professor at Columbia University, made headlines when he called Hamas’ attack on Israeli citizens “awesome.”... at Cornell University, associate professor of history Russell Rickford is struggling to save face after he boasted that he was “exhilarated” by the wave of anti-Israeli violence.   On the other side of the divisive issue, Washington University professor Seth Crosby claimed to have been fired because he referred to Israel’s airstrikes in Gaza as “a much-needed cleansing.”  The off-color remark was criticized by Muslim advocacy groups for dehumanizing Palestinians — many of whom have lived in quasi-exile in the Gaza Strip and West Bank for decades."
Is it Islamophobic to call Israeli Muslims pigs and very bad people?
It seems you're not allowed to denounce terrorists. Why are Muslim advocacy groups equating Hamas to all Palestinians?

Stanford teacher suspended for singling out Jewish students - "A Stanford University lecturer has been suspended for allegedly making Jewish students stand in a corner while branding them “colonizers” — while also downplaying the Holocaust and defending murderous Hamas terrorists as “freedom fighters.”...   The lecturer also reportedly justified the slaughter of more than 1,300 Israelis by Hamas terrorists over the weekend, saying it was part of Palestinians’ resistance. The teacher then asked Jewish students to raise their hands, separated them from their belongings and ordered them to stand in a corner, saying that is what Jews were doing to Palestinians...   “He asked how many Jews died in the Holocaust,” said Cohen. When someone said 6 million, “he said, ‘Yes. Only 6 million.’”... The lecturer asked students to say where their ancestors were from, and labeled each a “colonizer” or “colonized” based on their heritage...  the lecturer made no mention of Hamas’ atrocities against Israelis and offered a full-throated defense of the terrorists’ actions.  “He said, ‘Hamas is a legitimate representation of the Palestinian people,'” Greenberg said. “‘They are not a terrorist group. They are freedom fighters. Their actions are legitimate.'”   Cohen, the student leader, said the episode left her feeling “dehumanized.” “It’s like I’m reliving the justification of Nazis 80 years ago on today’s college campus”"

ToI ALERTS on X - "Live update: Dutch Jews record unprecedented number of antisemitic incidents following Oct. 7"
Alex גדעון בן װעלװל on X - "Nothing has radicalized me as much as the knowledge that a Hamas massacre of Jews in Israel had a global response of harassing and beating diaspora Jews."

Scott Adams on X - "Hamas gave Israel no way to win and two ways to lose, so Israel picked the losing path that kills Hamas (and many of their friends and family) first.  "Losing" in this context means spending the Holocaust capital and losing international support to reduce the future risk from Hamas.  You don't have to like what Israel is doing. But it is the only rational path.   The idea of going slow and using precision and ground forces to reduce civilian deaths is impractical because it would take years, and international pressure would squeeze them to resettle civilians before they finished. That would be a complete waste of time.  I assume some of the reported war crimes are real, which is typical for any war.   I no longer support Israel after the ADL came after me. I'm just describing their options.  @netanyahu  @JGreenblattADL"
Deforester Kelly on X - "Proportional warfare only serves the smaller, less capable enemy. It scales warfare into only what THEY can manage and incentivizes them to attack larger, more sophisticated enemies, knowing their full power won't be brought to bear. Asymmetrical warfare is cruel but preferable."
Farmer Bob on X - "What would “retaliating in proportion” mean to you? Should IDF soldiers have dressed as civilians, attacked Gaza, targeted 1200 civilians for the most barbaric murders, rapes, & dismemberment all while recording themselves doing it & calling their mothers to brag about it?"
jrwUTE42 on X - "Usa dropped two atomic bombs bombs because first one was insufficient. People forget proportional response usually means more of your own forces die."
Logic, Reason & Decency on X - "There were a few wars where arabs tried and failed to exterminate the jews. Are you justifying extermination? Or just when arabs do it?"

Jacob Magid on X - "US President Joe Biden has called on Israel to unilaterally agree to a six-to-eight week ceasefire, in an apparent retreat from his administration’s stance that conditioned a truce in Gaza on Hamas releasing some of the hostages it’s holding in the Strip. (1/11)"
Wilfred Reilly on X - "Unilaterally?! The mainstream left position in the USA is stated preference for a Hamas victory."

Toronto demonstrators urged to 'live up to the example' of Hamas - "Even after six months of routine anti-Israel rallies hitting the streets of Toronto, a series of weekend demonstrations featured a notable increase in pro-terror rhetoric and extremist symbology. On Saturday, a child holding a sign reading “Hamas is a Palestinian Resistance Movement” was recorded... The child was flanked by a man using a microphone to address Jewish attendees. “It’s so wonderful to see all the little kids here … ask your parents to give you a history lesson about how they rape and murder children,” he says. The day before, speakers were recorded telling cheering crowds to emulate the example of Gazan or Yemeni terrorist groups. “On October 7, we saw the potential for a Palestine liberated from Zionism by the forces of the resistance,” said Charlotte Kates of Samidoun, a Vancouver-based non-profit with close ties to the People’s Liberation Front for Palestine, a Gazan terror group whose members participated in the October 7 attacks. She urged attendees “to live up to the examples that every fighter in the brigades and every Yemeni marine are showing on a daily basis.” Brigades was likely a reference to Palestinians terrorists fighting Israeli forces in Gaza. The “Yemeni marines” are in reference to Houthis, a Yemeni terror group that has been attacking civilian shipping in the Red Sea for the last several months. Canada, notably, is technically at war with the Houthis, having joined a multinational operation to destroy Houthi missile and drone sites... The occasion for the ramped-up rhetoric was Al Quds Day, a holiday conceived by the Islamic Republic of Iran for the explicit purpose of calling for Israel’s destruction... Al Quds is the Arabic name for Jerusalem. In Khomeini’s words , Al Quds Day was to be an international day of Islamic solidarity to call for the destruction of the “usurper Israel” and “the victory of the Muslims over the infidels.” For years before the most recent violence of the Israel-Hamas conflict, sparked by the massacres of October 7, Al Quds Day was a reliable source for anti-Israel and pro-terror demonstrations on the streets of Canada’s major cities. Last year’s Al Quds Day demonstrations in Toronto, for instance, featured speakers endorsing “intifada” and repeating the now-familiar “from the river to the sea” chant — a motto explicitly rejecting a “two-state solution” in favour of Israel’s destruction. “Ultimate liberation from the river to the sea under one Palestinian state,” went a 2023 Al Quds Day declaration by Moe Jabri, an organizer with Toronto4Palestine. Only a few months later, Toronto4Palestine would be at the forefront of organizing celebrations of the October 7 massacres. While Toronto police have mostly exercised a hands-off approach to the more than 500 anti-Israel demonstrations that have hit the city since October 7, the police have recently begun to take a harder line against the protests. The Easter weekend saw the rare sight of an anti-Israel demonstration being subjected to crowd control by mounted Toronto police officers. And on Friday, Deputy Chief Lauren Pogue convened a press conference to say that “agitators” within the demonstrations would not be tolerated... the Toronto Police Association, the union that represents rank-and-file Toronto officers, issued a lengthy public statement saying that officers attending these protests “have been threatened with injury or death.”... The statement stood in notable contrast to only four months ago, when the Toronto Police Association defended a decision for officers not to arrest a masked anti-Israel demonstrator within Toronto’s Eaton Centre who was recorded issuing a threat to “put you six feet deep.”"

Authorities push back as anti-Israel blockaders get more radical - "McGill University in Montreal saw widespread class cancellations and building closures as part of an ongoing “Shut Down McGill” campaign organized in part by the campus group Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights. This is the same group that was ordered by university administrators to stop using the word “McGill” in its name after an early October statement in which it openly celebrated Hamas’s taking of Israeli hostages as a “heroic” act. Although anti-Israel demonstrators have staged McGill blockades before — including a February shutdown of a building named for Jewish philanthropist Samuel Bronfman — this one represented an escalation in both scale and aggressiveness... a group of about a dozen activists in keffiyehs can be seen pounding on the locked doors of a classroom and chanting through megaphones, “You can’t hide, we charge you with genocide.”... At Western University in London, Ont., a Thursday rally included a speaker naming three specific Jewish students and alumni and urging attendees to report them to campus authorities for alleged Islamophobia and “Palestinian racism.”... council members in Port Moody, B.C., rescinded a relatively routine motion calling for a ceasefire in Gaza after they deemed that the council had unintentionally aligned themselves with “a group that has spread hate.” A group known as Free Palestine BC had packed council chambers to push Port Moody to adopt the motion earlier in the week, but council members soon balked at revelations that anyone who spoke against the motion had been barraged by insults and threats encouraged by Free Palestine BC. “I cannot in good conscience agree to send a letter to our federal government on behalf of a group that does not practice what it preaches, and is actively stoking fear, hatred and division in our community,” Coun. Kyla Knowles said in reversing her vote calling for a ceasefire. “I regret not listening to my gut on this one.”"

Richard Marceau: Why we're taking the federal government to court over UNRWA funding - "Canadians do not want their hard-earned money to go to an agency that is supporting Hamas, a terrorist organization under Canadian law . With this application now officially submitted, it would be inappropriate for the Government of Canada to continue to transfer Canadian tax dollars to UNRWA until a decision is rendered... intelligence reports revealed that at least 12 UNRWA employees had connections to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack and approximately 10 per cent of UNRWA staff in Gaza have ties to Islamist militant groups. Further confirming this participation, one of the hostages released from Gaza during November’s humanitarian pause revealed that he was held for nearly 50 days in an attic by a UNRWA teacher. UN Watch has documented a multitude of cases of UNRWA staff and teachers indoctrinating Palestinian children to extremist hate by glorifying terrorism , praising Hamas , advocating for the killing of Jews and other abhorrent activities that contravene the values of the United Nations... Given UNRWA’s well-documented links to Hamas, by resuming Canadian funding to UNRWA, the government is in violation of its own anti-terrorism legislation"
Too bad votes from terrorist supporters are too importantMeme - *Bike Fall Meme*
"Hamas attacks Israel and starts a war"
"Those Israelis are attacking us"

Meme - "Hamas Iron Dome" *kid strapped to metal shield*

Naftali Bennett נפתלי בנט on X - "Israel needs now to live as a Silicon Valley in Sparta.   Part of Israel’s colossal failure of October 7th was a result of complacency.   Your typical Israeli was enjoying life, thinking about work, the next startup and the upcoming vacation.  Wars? Nah..that’s passé.   We got soft.  We lost tolerance to casualties.   We forgot that we’re surrounded by the craziest terror savages on earth: Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hizbullah and ISIS.  Physically on our borders (!).    Israel’s a first world economy, GDP per Capita of $58k bordering Nassrallah.   Imagine San Jose neighboring Kabul.   October 7th is as if savages with machetes tore down the screens of The Truman Show and we saw the barbarism hiding behind those tenuous facades.  We realized that our neighbors aren’t Belgium, Canada or Vermont.   We were cruelly reminded that Israel’s existence depends on our being constantly alert, vigilant, strong and very very tough.   At the same time, we must continue to be the StartUp Nation:  innovative, technology savvy, agile and connected to the latest and best stuff going on.   It’s a challenge no other nation faces: To be a Silicon Valley in Sparta.   We will."

Oli London on X - "On October 7th, Palestinian civilians cheered and chanted “Allahu Akbar” after the body of a Jewish person is mutilated, shot and kicked in Gaza. One man gets down on his knees to pray and kiss the ground, thanking God for the massacre."

Meme - Hamas waving fist while standing on rubble of Gaza: "And let that be a lesson to you. Israel!!!"
I got 2 comments accusing me of being a bot. Clearly if you don't support terrorism, you're a bot

Meme - Expectation *Terrorists with Palestinian flag parachuting into Israel*
Reality *Devastated Gaza*"

Meme - Adele Scalia @AdeleScalia: "A Holocaust survivor is coming to speak to my son's grade History class on Monday. Wonderful. What's less than wonderful, though, is the opt out for this lesson because "We understand that all students have different experiences." What does that even mean?"
"We understand that all students have different experiences. If you prefer to opt your child out from participating in this presentation, please email your child's history teacher and they will be provided an alternate assignment. Please email your child's history teacher with any questions that you may have."
Stacey E. Burke @StaceyEBurke: "My kids' school does an grade trip to DC every year for the entire grade. They removed the Holocaust Museum from the schedule permanently because....parents complained."
Clearly we need to crack down on the anti-Semitic "far right"! It's shocking that teachers and schools are accommodating white supremacists!
Ironically, left wingers usually forbid parents to opt out of whatever they want to thrust on kids

Star of David graffitied on Berlin homes in chilling echo of Nazi crimes - "The Star of David has been graffitied on the doors of several homes in Berlin, in a chilling reminder of the persecution Jews suffered under the Nazis. Four cases have been reported to German police in recent days, escalating concerns about the safety of Jewish people in the German capital... The incidents, which are a crime under German law, appear to be an intentional imitation of the antisemitic persecution of Jews during the 1930s when Nazi brownshirts painted the Star of David on the doors and windows of Jewish businesses in an attempt to discourage Britons from shopping there.  It came as one of the country’s top spies warned that Hamas sympathisers could stage terror attacks on Jewish buildings. Hamas supporters may “no longer stop at demonstrating and using hate speech... but may carry out specific attacks against Jewish and Israeli buildings and individuals,” Stephan Kramer, head of domestic intelligence in the state of Thuringia, said. Speaking to Handelsblatt newspaper, Mr Kramer said that the war in Israel could also motivate other Islamist groups to “intensify” their activities, saying that they see “the whole of Germany as the enemy of muslims.”  He said that the protests by pro-Palestinian groups on German streets in the wake of the Hamas terror attacks proved “a new level of escalation and lack of inhibition has obviously been reached in this country as well.”... Meanwhile, Germany’s largest network of mosques has denied that Israel was mentioned in Friday prayers after Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan had reportedly encouraged them to describe Israel as a “rusty dagger” in the heart of the Muslim world.  Ditib, an organisation which runs over 2,000 mosques in Germany and whose imams are on the payroll of the Turkish government, was ordered by Ankara to give a sermon condemning Israel as carrying out “the worst tyranny in history,” according to a report in German newspaper Bild. The sermon was written by Mr Erdogan’s chief cleric and sent out to all mosques under the control of the Turkish state... Despite the Islamist group being listed by the EU as a terror organization since 2003, Berlin only banned public displays of support for Hamas in 2021."
From October

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